Effective date: August 12, 2013
VJBooking is an online platform where creative professionals can showcase their work and discover the creative work of others. VJBooking is hosted exclusively in Europe and is operated from the Arties offices in Belgium. VJBooking may be accessed directly on the web at www.VJBooking.com, www.VJBooking.be, www.VJBooking.eu. VJBooking is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Arties Incorporated, and any information you provide to VJBooking will be shared within the Arties family of companies. In addition, privacy-related information specific to VJBooking is provided below.
VJBooking requires that users provide geographic information (city, state and country) when registering. This information lets users search for artists or creative work by geographic region. It also helps VJBooking to make your web experience more geographically relevant. If you move, you can update your geographic information by going to the “My Profile” tab.
You may review and update your personal information by visiting the “My Profile” tab. If you wish to delete your VJBooking account, you can go to the “Privacy” tab under “Account Settings” and click “Delete” (please note, this process is irreversible and we can’t restore your account afterwards). You can also delete your account by submitting a request to VJBooking Additionally, you can edit or update other information in your VJBooking profile by visiting the “My Profile” tab.